Monday, December 31, 2012

Funny quotes from my friends and family so far…(and I don’t even leave until Friday)

  •  “You’re going to Pakistan? YOU?”
  • “I think when you are locked up in a Lahori cell, getting wi-fi might be difficult.”
  • “People from Pindi don’t want to be in Pindi” (why so much hate for the Pindi?)
  • “Stop treating me like a 12 year old girl, I’m a grown ass man!”
  • Q- “It’s a working day, will you have time to spend with me” A- “Mate, this is Pakistan. We’ll pick up the client, say “nice to meet you”, this is my cousin, lets go sightseeing”
  • “No water, wheat, meat, vegetables, fruit or dairy”- What the F&*K is left?
  • “You’re lucky you don’t know your Pakistani cousins. Once you say hello, they will ask to be sponsored for immigration and live with you for 2 years)
  • “I’m not going to be shopping at all!” (That’s the really funny one!)


  1. haha.. i guess the cousin is Aftab.. hes completely

  2. Munawar got diarrhea in Pindi. Was fine in Lahore and Karachi. 'nuf said.
