Sunday, January 13, 2013


Ok. The appetizer is done. Main course tomorrow.  (Why am I always talking about food!)
We had a great Dholki function today for Aymen and Omar. Lots and lots of ladies took over the house in fancy suits. Lots of singing, great home made food, especially the chicken salan and kebabs. Omar was the centre of attention in the ladies side and he loved every minute of it!
I on the other hand was not the centre of attention.....I tried to sing once. Everyone ignored me so I shut up and went downstairs.  :(
Great event though we really missed you all from Canada, US and Germany. Aymen is great, you will all love her. She should settle in with everyone just fine.  The only sad thing is they will live all the way in Calgary.
Her parents have been fantastic hosts. Uncle Naeem especially is totally in love with Cayden which is really touching. He calls him our "Boss". Go figure.
So Cayden has fallen asleep in uncles bed during the dholki. Uncle comes up to me, "Azhar, Boss is sleeping in my bed, how do I get him out?"
"Uncle,  I haven't figured out how to do that myself. If you want, you can sleep with me. I'm sure Aisha won't mind" (cue your laugh based on prior blog entry. Ha ha gay joke gay joke. Moving on)
Uncle replies. "No problem with me. Mr Cayden boss is now staying in my room. In fact he's now going to stay here. I will take him to my village and we will walk hand in hand and inspect my fields.  I will teach him Urdu,  Arabic and proper Punjabi.  You come back next year with 50 people and then I'll give him back." So cute.
Now about that kidnapping ransom.  Do you guys have PayPal?

1 comment:

  1. Once Cayden eats the food in the villages (ten times better than in the cities, trust me) he might never want to come back!
