Tuesday, January 15, 2013


The Blogs might be few and far between now as the internet is barely working. Neither are the mobile networks,gas to heat the home. Power has been coming and going.

You see there's some major political action going on right here in Islamabad and its a pain in my ass! Some Canadian maulvi Qadri has put together an occupy movement and million man march all at the same time. Millions of people are descending on islamabad protesting against corruption and for fair elections. The government has tried to block their passage and has set up crazy roadblocks of shipping containers full of acid. Its not dangerous per se, but getting in and out of Islamabad is near impossible.

I just hope the airport is open on Friday or someone is going to have to adjust a bit too much.

Luckily it didn't affect the nikaah function last night. We had a lovely function last night with very friendly people and nice food. Omar and Aymen both looked great and seem really happy now that the pressure is off.

Aisha looked gorgeous but alas she's a married woman.

Wedding functions are very different here. First, everyone eats politely with a spoon and fork. We look like monkeys eating naan with our hands. Also I normally don't notice a stage setting but this one was very nice. Nice fresh flowers and I especially like how they lay out sofas on the ground level below the stage for vip ladies. keeps them out of the way.

After the nikaah reception, Aisha, C and I escorted the happy couple off.  So I got to drive in Pakistan for the first time. I didn't get to yell at anyone (boo) but honked my horn a few times and ran a couple of red lights. Nice.

For laughs, we went to this secret inside road that has this deep incline which we sailed down like a rollercoaster. "Again?" Cayden exclaimed. Sure beta, why not?

Once we arranged a babysitter, Aisha and I had a great late night youngsters outing with Aymen, her bhabi from Australia and Omar.

First kulfi falooda. You see in Pakistan when you want something desi, its all available but the restaurant could be dodgy or even unsafe especially for ladies. So most outings are held in the car. You pull up to to the joint, guy comes and takes your order and everything comes to you in the car where you sit and enjoy. I've had like 6 snacks this way. khana ka khana. And if shit goes down you just hit the gas and get the hell out of there.

Finished the night at McDonalds which is pretty much McDonalds. But here its a destination spot in a fancy park. We even paid cover! McD's is very comfortable for ladies and it is expected for you to go in and lounge. Got a full meal with the spicy chicken sandwich. Blueberry pie with custard. That was good.

Touching moment last night when Aisha thanked me for coming to Pakistan. "Why?" I ask. "You know all the Pakistani stuff. You play cricket with the kids, joke with the uncles, and the aunties just love you!" For years, I have always been great at charming the aunties. Its their hot daughters that never give me a lift.

And then Aisha called me a "little bitch"! :)

1 comment:

  1. Ask Munno Mamoo for tips on how to get a lift. He claims to have been very successful ;)
