Friday, January 11, 2013

Family Guy

As much as I loved Lahore, its time to go home to my family. Even if they are in Rawalpindi.
As you can imagine I've been missing my son like crazy and when he saw me he came running and wouldn't let me go.  Every fathers dream!
Cayden has only been here a few days but what a huge difference in his Urdu, both in understanding and spoken.  I brought him a puzzle with what I thought were Urdu numerals but it turns out what I brought was Arabic.  What the hell do I know? But I sat with Cayden and he picked up " ek, do, teen" all the way to 21. For us, that's a pretty big deal.  Lets hope Aisha picks up Urdu just as quickly. Lol. Aymens dad is going to charge her a 100 rupee fine each time she speaks English. My Urdu on the other hand is awesome!
Asfa likes the toilet jokes so she'll be happy to know that poor uncle has gotten sick, Omar is sick and Aadil is sick. But wait Aadil is still in Canada? I guess when one of them eats a kebab, they all get diarrhea. 
We are in shaadi mode now and having a great time with Aymens parents. Plus I'm in a jolly good Pakistani mood. Aunty heard my foodie stories and is topping them with ghar ka khana. Fantastic! Parathas with gur. Wow!
But there's only three of us accompanying the groom and there's lots of work to be done. Sat down in the evening chopping coconuts and filling hundreds of little nikaah gift bags all the while cursing you relatives who aren't here with us. "Aadil china ka, mamoo china ka, chacha china ka, shimmi shoab china ke!"
Omar wakes up from his slumber and I say "yaar, I know you cried during my wedding, but why are you making ME cry way before yours?"
All in good fun. Having a blast!

1 comment:

  1. I just thought I recognized the wallpaper. The speech therapist's office in The King's Speech?

    It's been nice reading your blog. I miss Pakistan now.

    All the best to all of you at the Nikkah.

    Naseer Mamu
