Friday, January 4, 2013


“You’re going to need a lot more Imodium and underwear”

What the hell am I getting myself into?

Packing for this trip basically means going deep into the basement, and collecting all those items of clothing, that just “barely” survived the last Goodwill run.  So baggy ass faded jeans? Check.  Too tight shirt with holes? Check. I still have this sweater? Check.

Because, it seems (and I am speaking strictly from hearsay) to take clothing to Pakistan, is to gift those clothes to that country, permanently.  Because they ain’t coming back the way you found them, if at all! Lost, stolen, ripped, dirty, or just with a new car (exhaust) smell!

Of course, I can always pick up a few Hugo Bass, or a Sadida items while I’m there!

And my wife is forcing me to take an old “aunty” suitcase. No wheels, no nice handles. Just one big rectangular block filled with Pepto Bismos, Hand Sanitizer and Imodium.  Oh, and p.s. I totally did the pak thing and weighed myself with my suitcase on the bathroom scale. Would hate to be taking out items at the airport (wouldn’t be the first time)

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