Saturday, January 12, 2013

Easy day

Not much to write in todays blog. 
I woke up at 8am with a migraine and a cough frankly caused by smoking too much in Lahore.  (A detail I thought I had hidden well from my missus). So I scrambled around in my medicine bag and took a few tablets of this and that. I come back to bed and Aisha asks what I've taken and decides I've taken way too much.
"Throw it up!" She insists. 
I say "its fine. Leave me alone. Go to sleep".
Ten minutes later WHOOSH. She gets her wish. Its not a day in Pakistan without someones head in the toilet!
So I'm just hurting and asking Aisha for help. She opens with "Idiot, what part of Smoking Kills CLEARLY written on the pack are you too stupid to understand?".
Argh! I've got the biggest headache, I just threw up and my wife is just cussing me out. And she's being funny. Totally blogworthy!
"You think your such a tough Punjabi coming from Lahore,  look at you now you little bitch!"
"One more cigarette and your sleeping with my dad and his uncle. You deserve to be in the retirement room where everyone is coughing up phlegm!
I can't fight back. I'm laughing too much!
Easy day today, just did a little last minute shopping for the Nikaah. Except I got into trouble with Aisha and Omar for being too straight forward with the vendors. Or what they would say "rude!"
You see Aisha comes from Hyderabadi and Karachi stock. Very polite, very Sindhi style, very "aap yeh, aap woh", never letting you know what they are really thinking. Her Karachi family are next level elite.
I on the other hand am half African lion and half Punjabi sher and I'm in the homeland. So I'm telling it like it is and having fun. If something these paks show us is shit I say "It's shit!".  If its overpriced I say "stop trying to rip us off". I've always been loud and I'm just trying to be funny. But you see I'm also adapting to the environment.
One thing I've learned since I've been here is that in Pakistan and especially in Punjab, these guys can say and do anything to any one. Honestly no one gets offended. No gaali, no cussing, nothing is off limits except for one thing.
When the guy shoots you in the face, that's really really rude!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, you should have taken a video camera and sold the footage to CBC. Beat that Russell Peters any day. A Newfie Guyanese mix, how confused is that? You could have done Lahori jokes or something.
