Monday, January 7, 2013

Getting to pak

Jeddah jeddah jeddah. I was so worried about getting sick in Pakistan, I didn't think to worry about the food at the Saudi airport.  Big mistake.
Two hours before my flight I ate a cheese sandwich and a cup of tea. And my whole stomach emptied itself before we even took off. The poor flight attendant had to scramble to find more vomit bags.
And how smart am I? I put all my medication in checked baggage.
Otherwise once I had puked my guts out, the rest of my flight was fine. It was an empty plane so I was able stretch out and sleep finally.   We had a two hour delay circling Islamabad due to fog, but I didn't mind. Got a solid 7 hours.
Scariest part of the flight was getting on. The whole flight was just full of serious Taliban looking dudes. Big ones too with hats beards the whole thing. I counted five ladies on the plane. Made nice with the mullahs though. Might as well be useful.

1 comment:

  1. Did the mullahs try to convert you? You know your grandma in law would be trying to convert THEM :)
