Friday, January 4, 2013

Gods new plan

So I must have really pissed God off with my earlier rants.
And as punishment he threw some unforeseen circumstances my way cancelling my partying in London and Dubai and instead has called for me directly to him in Saudi Arabia.
Poor Omar and I spent the entire day on the phone rerouting my trip. Stupid call centres are full of idiots, 45 minute hold times, inability to process credit cards. One attendant actually spent 20 minutes with a pen and paper doing basic math to see how much money I lost. I thought Indians were smart? I'm so poor.
And what's worse, I fly back through New York and will enjoy going through US customs with a passport full of urdu and Arabic.  That inappropriate rape comment from before.  Oh that's definitely happening but now a white guy will do it.
So 30 hours to get to Islamabad and 40 hours to get back. I'm going to be so grumpy!

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